

This is the home for all of my independent learning done on TryHackMe

I first began using TryHackMe in the summer of 2022. I completed the Introduction to Cybersecurity and Pre-security pathways within 2 months, and then went on to the Complete Beginner pathway, which I also completed.

At the end of 2022, I applied for a job as a junior security analyst. As part of the application process, there was an online assessment section to complete over the duration of a week. During this team I completed large parts of the SOC Level 1 pathway, focussing on the tools and skills I needed to complete the online assessment. Although I didn’t get the job, I really enjoyed the learning on my feet, and adapting to new challenges as they came up.

The disappointment of not getting the job really set me back, and its only been recently, when I completed a Level 1 Award in Cybersecurity, that I remembered how much I enjoyed the puzzle nature of cybersecurity. I aim to finish up my learning on the SOC Level 1 pathway towards the end of the summer, and begin my learning afresh and with renewed energy.